Ride soldier's leader immediately cold glimpse Teng always any their a group of persons' one eye. "Your these mountain people, this bluish green cold knife has a handle unexpectedly book blade, however, I am also lazy to dispute with you, old piece, give them 10,002, let them roll."This rides a soldier leader order way. Teng green mountain a listen to eyebrows a wrinkly. 10,002? This time the final payment of goods, but 10,002 silvers, this rides a words of soldier's leader, among them 202 unexpectedly prohibit to fully pay.202 isn't a fraction word.After all this business does down, Chuang in the Teng house includes manpower to wait various in addition to expenses, earn seldom, these 202 can not the ability is little. "Adult ……" Teng any always just wanted openings. "Hum."Ride a soldier leader vision a cold, " today one handle bluish green cold knife book blade, I have never sought you to calculate Zhang even if, again in this useless talk, careful Lao Tze rolled for me to discard you." By this time, that also took out 10,002 and passed to Teng always any. Teng any always once connected a silver ticket and cautiously tooked a look and depressed an orotund way later on:"We walk!"Although a to Chuang man in the Teng house has guts, can also can't the egg touch rock and for the sake of 202 silvers, let everyone take into unworthy.Everyone is the board of trade tube that is strong to endure an one breath, leave this Yang state. ****** The Yang state board of trade tube, Teng clan people just cannot help but scolding Niang. "That calls Qin San of, what trifle, 121 handles, give 102 calculate.Still prepare not to pay silver today."The Teng green tiger annoys of keep scolding, " if not that green mountain his voice is big, ask for that master come over, perhaps, that Qin three, the final payments all prohibited to pay." Teng any always smiles to see toward the Teng green mountain:"Green mountain, how did you thought of to draw that master attention?" "I am getting more hasty and just shout."The Teng green mountain says with a smile, " I just was to see with own eyes, that rode soldier's leader to touch knife blade, and the knife blade rolled up."Although Teng green mountain words say so, can actually, he really is intentionally and loudly, arouse surroundings of big salt company's attention. Even if the master that doesn't arouse this official residence, be arouse surroundings which house of the big salt company come over, that all calculates success! Teng always any, Teng green tiger a group of persons, after all often the year is living in the Chuang son, not understand to those big salt company's viewpoints. Can Teng green mountain the previous incarnation is a super cutthroat, some super billionaires, the upper level personnel's mental state he is understand.To those people, money is a small matter, the face is an important event. If spread to go ……a certain big salt company, for the sake of some silver, heel a group of mountain people argue.That salt company estimates and then will become laughing stock.So, no matter how it is, take care of in the Yang state board of trade inside, that salt company anyway, all impossible argue with them for the sake of some silver. "No matter how it is, it be also on the whole surprised to have no insurance this time."Teng any always says with smile, " green mountain, you grow up first time proper city, before returning to, I take you to a place.I am at the right moment going to that buy some things." "Where?"The Teng green mountain is a bit curious. "All things of the universe building."Teng any always says